Two Weeks With Glory Niya
Yesterday afternoon, we brought Glory home! She spent 13 days in the NICU, getting stronger and growing to prepare her for life outside of the hospital. Now, we get a chance to learn her rhythms and cries and movements. I’m so grateful that our time apart was short, but my heart goes out to all the other NICU mamas who have had to endure any amount of time separated from their children. It’s a pain I didn’t understand until it happened to me.
Glory Niya, you were created to make God’s name glorious, and your life will be a testament to how GOOD He is — even when circumstances don’t go our way or when things are uncertain. He is faithful — always. May you carry this truth with you for all of your days and learn to trust in the God who holds you even when I can’t. Mommy loves you, and you are stronger than you know.