Christmas At Home 2024
Christmas this year was everything I needed it to be. This year felt like a special year for Christmas because I think it’ll be the first one where Glory and Zoe actually grasp what’s going on. This was also our first Christmas with Lillian and Grace living with us, and it was nice to have our parents in town without having to drive back and forth from my apartment to my sisters’ apartment. They took an extended. trip for 2 weeks and it felt nice to take the Christmas break in nice and slow without feeling like we rushed to do as much as we could while they were in town.
Most of Christmas morning was spent opening gifts of course, but it wouldn’t be a special morning without Brandon’s waffles. Thanks to technology, he was also able to FaceTime his mom in to watch the Russell Sprouts open gifts. And of course, you know we had to update the family’s series with Daddy I Gotta Question books, too. My mom was really excited. All in all, Christmas was low-key and exactly what I wanted.