First Friday Introductions - April 2021 Edition
Image by Nikia Williams
This one’s for the newbies. If you’ve recently started following along here, welcome to my online home! Here you’ll find stories from my life and my client’s lives. Stories are my favorite, and I love getting to know that people who are reading along. So, if anything here resonates with you, don’t be shy! Feel free to comment and tell me a little about yourself, too! Here’s a few random facts about me:
I’ll take a milkshake over a coffee any day of the week.
I love board games.
I’m definitely on the more adventurous side.
Even though I’ve worn my hair curly for years, I feel I look most like myself when my hair is straight. It’s funny because it always throws everyone off.
My name is my LEE nuh, but I get called Melinda all the time. Just as a heads up, it’s not okay. I think that’s why it’s important to me that I learn to pronounce people’s names correctly.
I have a list of 40 things I want to do, experience, and accomplish before I turn 40. I’ll share that list with you on my birthday on Monday.